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How to Optimize Your Workflow with Physical Therapy Scheduling Software

physical therapy scheduling software

How to Optimize Your Workflow with Physical Therapy Scheduling Software

Physical therapy is a competitive sector made even more so by the recent social distancing measures. For your clinic to thrive, you must ensure that the patient experience is topnotch.  It’s not just about the therapy services you’re providing, it’s about the efficiency and reliability of your services from the moment they want to schedule sessions to long after they leave your facility 

For most physical therapy organizations scheduling is one of the major pain points, but it doesn’t have to be that wayBy leveraging a robust EHR and using physical therapy scheduling software, you can streamline the process, empowering you to enhance patient’s experiences

Physical therapy scheduling software being utilized in a healthcare clinic.

How Can Physical Therapy Scheduling Software Benefit Your Practice? 

Other than the therapeutic services you offer, a lot goes into running a physical therapy clinic. From billing and revenue cycle management to compliance and data security, you’ve got a lot on your plate to think about. EHR technology with scheduling functionality is beneficial to both your team and patients. Here’s how. 

  1. Fast and Flexible Appointment Scheduling

Along with being your patients, most of the individuals you serve are also professionals and family people. Like all of us, they can struggle with having plenty of responsibilities on their hands and limited time. If you rely on the traditional phone method of scheduling appointments, you may lose a significant number of potential patients. This is because any time they’ll call and find your phone lines busy or have to wait for your staff to check for available dates, they quickly move on to other things. 

In this regard, more self-service scheduling software is the ideal solution. Such a feature clearly displays available sessions for patients to book one that suits them. More importantly, they do not have to worry about calling during office hours as an online platform allows them to schedule sessions at any time of the day. This not only makes it faster and easier for them but also more convenient. 

  1. Versatility and Growth

As your practice grows, there may be a need to expand to meet the rising demand by opening new clinics and branching out to serve other markets.  To navigate such growth with ease, your clinics must run efficiently and consistentlyThis can be achieved by automating your scheduling process. 

A2C’s EHR is intended to do just that, grow with you and your organization. Our scheduling functionality will allow you to use one platform for all your locations along with increasing efficiency. Users can switch between various clinic profiles and schedule therapy sessions at their preferred location. This feature significantly reduces some of the challenges of expanding while makes it easier to manage multiple clinics.  

  1. Reduce Missed Appointments

With busy schedules, it’s sometimes easy for people to lose track of time or forget appointments. As a result, your patients may miss schedules or have to cancel at the last minute. This translates to you losing billable hours, and they will still have to reschedule again. 

Physical therapy scheduling can help reduce such cancellations and the negative impact they have on your treatment plans and revenueAppointment reminders can be sent to patients a week or a few days before their scheduled sessions. In case they have other commitments, such reminders will prompt them to reschedule the session earlier, leaving ample time for another patient to book the session, reducing the risk of loss of billable hours.  

  1. Increase Productivity

Therapy care environments are dynamic, with many moving parts and teams that need to be focused on billing, operations and logistics. These activities are essential to any sustainable practice but they also take significant time and energy – which can impact your team’s productivity most.  With reduced productivity also comes a decline in services, morale and potentially revenue. With reduced productivity also comes a dip in the quality of service and revenues.  

An EHR that’s specifically built for Physical Therapy providers, like A2C Medical, will help take some of the time-consuming tasks off your teams’ to-do list. These include: 

  • Scheduling appointments 
  • Confirming appointments  
  • Rescheduling appointments 
  • Sending manual reminders 

Reduce your staff’s workload and allow them to focus on serving the patients, thus increasing your productivity. 

  1.  Increased Patient Satisfaction 

Patient satisfaction is a crucial component for organizational success in the modern-day entrepreneurial landscape, more so for service institutions in times of social distancingPatient satisfaction is not limited to the patient care you offer. It’s about their entire experience interacting with your clinic.  

With an automated system to handle scheduling and reminders, you can significantly increase patient experience. In turn, they’ll be more likely to come again and recommend your clinic to other people. 

Don’t Settle for Less 

With a reliable physical therapy EHR, you will be able to set your clinic apart and more importantly, keep patients healthy and happy. 

A2C Medical is a company dedicated to offering the best medical software solutions. Schedule a demo today to find out how our physical therapy EHR can help your clinic scale.  

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